Selasa, 20 Oktober 2020
Peerless Fire Pumps
Peerless fire pumps are designed and manufactured to high standards of quality in materials, construction and workmanship. Peerless horizontal fire pumps are constructed in accordance with the requirements of Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) and comply with the standards of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Pamphlet 20.
• Commercial Building
• Industrial Facilities
• Energy Facilities
• Oil & Gas Facilities
• Power Plants
Capacities 250-5,000 gpm (57-1,136 m3/hr)
Head 92 to 664 feet (28-202 m)
Pressure 40-288 psi (2.75-19.8 bar)
Horsepower Up to 1,000 hp (745 kW)
Temperature Ambient within the limits for satisfactory equipment operation
Drives Electric motors, diesel engines
Liquids Potable/non-potable water, salt water
Materials Cast iron, bronze fitted as standard. Optional materials available for sea water applications.